Year 4 have had a jam-packed couple of weeks back after half term.
In science, we have started a new topic 'Animals including humans'. In our first session, we learnt about the digestive system. Mrs Quintian modelled how this works using biscuits, giant teeth, a pair of tights as the intestines and even a bowl as the toilet. It was gross but really fun!
We have enjoyed two forest school sessions where our imaginations could run wild. We have done some whittling to create pencils, walking sticks, wands and toys. A 'monkey village' was created in which there was a fishing pond, bowling, climbing and shelter.
In English, we have been learning about character descriptions and have created our own Viking characters linking to the book 'How to Train Your Dragon'. In Maths, we have begun a topic on addition and subtraction where we have been practising formal column methods. We have also been learning how to answer missing number problems.