We have had a fun filled couple of weeks in Year 4. The children have continued to enjoy learning about the Vikings. We have learnt about the Viking invasion of Lindisfarne and why the Vikings settled in England (treasure, farming and land). We wrote some fab travel brochures showing how brilliant England was, persuading the Vikings to come! We have also learnt about Ivor the Boneless, Vikings' social classes and life as a Viking child. In forest school, we have enjoyed making Viking shields using a hammer and nails to create our designs.
In English we have finished writing instructions of how to build a Viking longship and now we have started our new genre of a diary entry. We are preparing ourselves to write a diary of a day in the life of a Viking warrior. In maths, we have continued with our place value topic. We have learnt how to round to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and have also learnt about negative numbers and roman numerals! Some tricky stuff. In science, we have been using classification keys to classify different living things and we went outside this week to find some vertebrates and invertebrates in our school grounds!