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Tremendous results!

Writer's picture: Mr HollingsworthMr Hollingsworth

Through all our hard work and with the support of parents we have finished the year on a high with some excellent results across the school – both in terms of our achievement but also in terms of our attendance. Having seen the results for the other Local Authority schools, we are thrilled to have some of the best outcomes and results.

Neil Fowkes, Headteacher

Nearly all our results are in the top 10 of Peterborough maintained schools, our phonics results in Years 1 and 2 are amongst the best, as are our KS1 results, indeed our outcome for children achieving greater depth is the top!! Our headlines are:

  • Our EYFS results of 75% make us 4th within the Local Authority schools and 11% above their average.

  • Year 1 Phonics was 89% that is a 32% increase since last year and ranks us as 3rd within PCC maintained schools.

  • End of year 2 phonics of 97%!

  • Combined KS1 results of 68% are the 8th best whilst our 30% achieving greater depth is the best of all maintained schools.

  • Progress from KS1 to KS2 increased in all core subjects by an average of +1.5 with average progress in the top 10.

A particular focus for us following has been Attendance and in particular reducing persistent absence, with the help of parents we have made massive progress in all these areas:

  • Overall attendance has increased by 0.5% during the academic year.

  • Persistent Absence fell from 11.3% in 2018 to only 4.9% by July 2019.

  • Persistent absence of Pupil Premium children fell from around 40% down to 13.6% by the end of 2019.

Comment from Chair of Governors

Since the Ofsted Inspection, the school has made substantive progress in terms of both teaching and learning and leadership. We are particularly pleased with the progress in the areas of concern identified in the Ofsted Report, and in the related outcomes. Indeed we are thrilled to have achieved some of the best outcomes in the authority and this is testament to the hard work of school staff.
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