Reception have been working hard over the last two days, as we continue with our wilderness week.
On Tuesday we read “mad about mini beasts”and used this as our hook for the day. We started our day by going a bug hunt, the children worked in teams to find as many bugs as they could. We found it hard to find all the bugs and had a good discussion about why this may be. In the afternoon, we had some rain so we went back on our bug hunt and lots more bugs came out to say hello! We also made our very own bug homes and played some team building activities.
On Wednesday we began the day with three activities; designing a tree using leaves on the ground, tracing leaves using coloured pencils, and designing a home for all the wild animals from our book of the day "Percy the park keeper". We had time on each activity and then spent the afternoon building dens and going on a bird search.
Miss Brass