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Spring 2 Update

The first week back after half term was a busy one as it was assessment week. I am proud of all the children as they tried so hard and they have made some excellent progress across the board.

During assessment week we also did art every day, which the children absolutely loved. They designed some Ancient Egyptian clay pots and plates after lots of research on shapes and designs. The children then made their pots using the 'coil' technique and finally painted them. I was so impressed!

In English, we have been studying the book 'The Dam' during World Book week. We have inferred how the characters might have felt and have written some 'show not tell' sentences. Miss Earth and Ms Williams got into character to show the children how they were feeling.

In geography, we were learning about rivers and dams (perfect timing!) We decided to build some model dams using resources the children found to see how effective they were at blocking the water. There were some very different designs but most were successful at preventing the water from leaking through to the other side.

We have started a new topic in science: States of Matter. We learnt about solids, liquids and gases and the children acted out how the particles moved in each state. In the second lesson, we investigated which liquid travelled the quickest.

In maths, we have been carrying on with our fractions topic and have moved onto learning about fractions of amounts. This has been quite tricky but the children have embraced it.

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