We turned back the clock on Tuesday 18th April as we headed to Stibbington for our WW2 evacuee immersion day.
Many of the children came dressed-up for the day as they took on a new persona and age for the day - myself included! We arrived at Nene Valley Railway station where we were greeted by our Billeting Officer who led us through the fields of Stibbington, informing us on what day-to-day life for evacuees was like. When we arrived at our new school, the children had to fill in their identity cards and completed an observation task using propaganda posters.
During lunchtime, the children were able to experiment with a whole variety of retro toys: stilts, wooden guns, marbles, cup and ball etc. In the afternoon, the children took seat in a typical WW2 classroom where they showed great resilience when writing using ink-pens and ink-wells. Their spelling lessons was abruptly interrupted by an air raid siren which meant we had to seek cover until it passed. The day was extremely engaging and children absorbed lots of knowledge to help them during this term.