After a well deserved half term rest, Year 5 have returned ready for action.
While the weather wasn't great, the class enjoyed the chance to experience extended forest school sessions. In spite of the rain, everyone took the opportunity to make shelters, climb trees and make good use of the mud kitchen. Some of the children were able to spend time honing their knife skills as they learned how to whittle.
We have begun to learn more about the importance of the Industrial Revolution in the Victorian period as we plan a non- chronological report on all things industrial. As we have developed our knowledge, we have how to formally debate as we discussed the importance of key events, individuals and inventions and voted on whether the period had a positive impact on our present.
Year 5 showed their engineering prowess in Design Technology sessions, as they used paper and card to build arch bridges. The children explored how to strengthen structures by laminating card, using layers, and making their own corrugated card.
Here are a few of the children's designs.
Mr Forman